Are you looking for alternatives to the standard educational system?

Have questions about homeschooling regulations in NY?

Trying to figure out how to homeschool while working full time?

Wondering if homeschoolers can get into college and live in the “real world”?

Questioning whether self-directed education really works?

You’ve come to the right place.


Can anyone homeschool in NYS?

Yes! The NYS homeschool regulations give every family the right to homeschool their children if they so choose- regardless of education level, credentials, or employment status.

NYS Homeschool Regulations »

What Is Self-Directed Learning?

Self-Directed Learning (SDE) is the “radical” notion that children can and will learn without pressure or force. Often called unschooling or free-schooling, SDE takes many forms but always relies upon a trust in the learner and an understanding that learning is happening all the time.

Resources for Further Exploration »

Can My Child Unschool in NYS?

YES! There actually isn’t a single state in the United States where self-directed education is outlawed. The NYS homeschool regulations do specify subjects that must be addressed each year but there is no statement on how those subjects must be addressed nor is there an outright ban on unschooling.

FAQs »


Guiding Philosophy

After years of working with children, homeschooling several teens myself, and now raising three small self-directed learners, I am committed to supporting homeschooling families across NY. In my own home, I am dedicated to education that is respectful of the learner and recognizes the autonomy of each child. My work and my children’s education is progressive, inclusive, and affirming. My ultimate goal is to help families take control of their child’s education, support the development of lifelong learners, and encourage confidence in YOUR ability to educate your kids.


“We can’t keep using tools of oppression and expect to raise free people….

Akilah Richards


Your Questions Answered

There are some questions that pop up frequently when we’re talking about self-direction. Check out these FAQs to see if some of your questions can be answered quickly!